Anthony Papillion:
> For the last few weeks, I've talked about how, when I try to refresh the
> keys on my ring, I get an error from GnuPG. Today, I noticed a message
> that I hadn't noticed before and I strongly suspect this might be the
> cause of the problem I'm having.
> When I issued the
> gpg2 --refresh-keys
> command, GnuPG connected to the SKS pool and sent a request for all the
> keys on my ring. At the end of the refresh attempt, I saw the following:
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> gpg: keyserver communications error: keyserver helper internal error
> gpg: keyserver communications error: General error
> gpg: keyserver refresh failed: General error
> IIRC, Stephen mentioned something about the helper program the last time
> I posted. This seems to confirm that.  However, since it's not giving me
> much information, I can't really troubleshoot further.
> This is GnuPG 2.0.3 (GpG4Win 2.3.3) on Windows 10.  This issue DOES NOT
> happen on Linux.
> Can anyone offer a bit of insight?

Ah, you're using gpg4win! So you already do have activated Kleopatra's
log files following instructions given in chapter 23.1 of the Gpg4win



Attachment: 0x4218732B.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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