I actually tried

gpg2 --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --refresh-keys
4F765425380A9BBA5F0E0892CC9D1E072AC97369 --no-emit-version
--display-charset utf-8 --keyserver-options
ca-cert-file=~/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem use-temp-files keep-temp-files

as well (with variations), the use-temp-files=/tmp/tempfile.txt is I
used in my example below is plainly wrong.



Stephan Beck:
> Hi Anthony,
> Stephan Beck:
>> Anthony Papillion:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> When I run
>>> gpg2 --keyserver <my-keyserver> --refresh-keys
>>> Can someone tell me what this error means and how can I fix it?
>> Which gpg2 version are you running? 2.0x or 2.1x? 
> sorry for the delay in getting back to you on-list.
> [Could you please send me the error output you get when decrypting the
> encrypted message I sent you yesterday, telling you that I had problems
> in checking keyserver's connection as well, it's just that I'm eager to
> know and I want to exclude key compromise].
> In order to get the details of the communication of keyserver helper
> programs with the keyserver you should use the --use-temp-files and
> --keep-temp-files --keyserver options.
> For example, I tried (a hundred times, with variations) to refresh your
> key attempting to log keyserver<->helpers communication to check it
> myself before giving advice
> gpg2 --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net --refresh-keys
> 4F765425380A9BBA5F0E0892CC9D1E072AC97369 --no-emit-version
> --display-charset utf-8 --keyserver-options
> ca-cert-file=~/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem,use-temp-files=/tmp/tempfile.txt,keep-temp-files,verbose
> --debug-level 2
> But tempin.txt tempout.txt are nowhere.
> I made a search in the gnupg's pipermail list archive and I consistently
> found surely authoritative indication of David Shaw
> that adding
> --debug 1024 --keyserver-options "use-temp-files keep-temp-files"
> do result in tempin.txt tempout.txt being logged somewhere.
> I successfully generated those files in the past when checking
> communication with keyservers, but I haven't wrote it down and I can't
> integrate David Shaw's instructions into the above mentioned
> command-line I used.
> I'm giving up on this now, eager to hear once for all times HOW to
> successfully create them.
> Cheers
> Stephan
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