
David Adamson:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 8:15 PM, Stephan Beck <st...@mailbox.org> wrote:
>> Ah, I forgot one thing: you have to add the following to your ~/.bashrc
>> file:
>> GPG_TTY=$(tty)
>> export GPG_TTY
>> Does it work now?
>> HTH
>> Stephan
> Stephan I updated the .bashrc file in my home directory, still got the
> same error, so I restarted the system but unfortunately the error
> remains.
> Thanks for the assistance.

You haven't answered the question if you only want to use text-mode.
If you only use text-mode, add those lines mentioned to ~/.bashrc (or
whatever may be your shell initialization file) and properly symlink
/usr/bin/pinentry to the pinentry-curses you actually would like to use
if you are using text-mode only, I don't know why it should not work.
I refer you to the info gnupg manual and its appropriate section
10.3 Commonly Seen Problems.
 * The Curses based Pinentry does not work

Maybe it's helpful for you and for all willing to help if you properly
document the output of gen-key with the debug flag set to expert or guru

gpg2 --gen-key --debug-level [expert|guru]

Just a suggestion.



P.S. I now see that you have installed gtk-pinentry, so maybe I was
wrong and you don't want to use text-mode.

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