Hi Team,

We are performing encryption and decryption process.  We are using the SUSE 
Linux 11 SPS3 OS. We want to Encrypt and Sign the file using gpg encryption 

As a Linux OS root user, we are able to generate keys and perform Encryption, 
Signing, Verification and Decryption perfectly and we are also able to list the 
generated keys.

We want to use these keys in the SAP R/3 System. The administrator user for the 
SAP System is SIDADM. In our case it is SF2ADM.

We switch the user from root to sf2adm and try to generate the keys using the 
command gpg --gen-key. But we are not able to enter the passphrase for the key. 
Instead we are getting the error message stating that "gpg: Cancelled by user" 
"gpg: Key generation canceled."  Please find the attached screenshot of the 

We have tried the following :

1)Adding a new user home using the command addgnupghome

2)gpg-agent --daemon and setting the link to the requires S-gpg-agent in /tmp/ 

3)We thought  the issue was because of terminal type to be set. We have tried 
setting GPG_TTY to $tty.

But the issue has not been resolved yet.

Could you please let us know what is the procedure to perform encryption and 
decryption using gpg technique on Linux OS without the root user( Using a 
different user)

Thanks and Regards,
Swetan G

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