Hello Bernhard,

> I like the idea, I'll probably try it once I have a need for
> the use case. Maybe you can add a link to your tool to
> wiki.gnupg.org?

Sure, if that's OK for a still somewhat experimental stage.

> Did you consider pyme or
> pygpgme? (See https://wiki.gnupg.org/APIs )

I did search for current gnupg Python bindings and thought
that there ought to be a in-process solution, but
have to confess that until three days ago,
I wasn't even aware that both exist.

> For a new application (which is not a module) I would directly
> go to python3 and gpg2 only in order to easy future
> maintenance.

I started out with python2 because, having used it mainly
for scientific computing, I am still more comfortable doing
experimental stuff with it. But I agree for the long term
and libraries being available, python3 is better.


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