> There is this scary project listing several hundreds factored pgp/rsa
> keys: http://trilema.com/2016/the-phuctoring/

Not scary.  Not all that interesting, either.  It's also been discussed
on this list before.  This group claims to have access to my secret key.
 I posted a 256-bit random sequence and asked them to sign it with my
key.  Daniel Kahn Gillmor realized I'd made an oversight: it could be my
encryption key they'd broken.  He posted an encrypted message and
suggested they reveal the random string contained therein.

We have not heard back from them.

See, e.g.:


Until such time as they're able to verify that yes, they can forge
signatures or decrypt traffic, I think we should be suspicious of their

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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