> We then send our certificate to the third party
I was wrong. We don't send them the certificate, we send them the public
key generated when the certificate chain is imported.

What does all the extra messing about with certificates achieve, and how
can I get gnupg to do it?


On 26/04/16 13:47, Ian Prideaux wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've got a system which exchanges files with third parties. One of them
> requires that the key is generated from a certificate. I create the CSR
> and get it signed by a CA. I then create a pkcs12 file containing the
> CA's root & intermediate certificates, and the certificate that they
> created from my CSR. We then send our certificate to the third party.
> Currently, I'm using
> PGP Command Line 10.2 build 335 Copyright (C) 2011 Symantec Corporation
> but I want to start using
> gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.27 libgcrypt 1.5.3
> because that's what's supplied in Solaris11u3.
> The Symantec command is:
> pgp --new-passphrase newpp --passphrase oldpp --import CertificateChain.p12
> However, I can't figure out what the gpg2 command is, or even if gnupg
> is capable of this. I don't really understand what this is achieving
> that ordinary keys don't.
> Please can someone help?
> Thanks.

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