I have this problem. I am writing an application in android for the GNUPG.
for that I want to add the commands in the android package itself. whether
I need to install the Gaurdian GNUPG and then call the commands from my
application, or can I able to call the application gnupg with the library
in my application itself, I can integrate the gnupg?.

this is for android application.


On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 7:14 PM, Johannes Burk <m...@jojoob.de> wrote:

> > 1) When I open a new email message window, I see a green box in the
> upper right hand corner which is labeled “OpenPGP”. Is that right?
> > 2) Should I be able to toggle GPG on and off;
> Yes, the green box in the upper right of the new message window indicates
> that the GPGTools are integrated into Mail app.
> In addition there are to buttons on the right in the subject row. The left
> one (open/closed lock) indicates if the mail is going to be encrypted and
> the other one if the message will be signed.
> > 3) I composed a short Test message to send to myself. In order to
> Encrypt it, I selected the text, went to Services and selected Encrypt.
> That gave me the encrypted code in a new window. It seemed to me that I
> then had to select that text, copy and then paste it into the new message.
> There has to be a simpler way to perform these functions? What are they?
> It should not be necessary to encrypt the message manually as you
> described. If you compose a message to a recipient for which you have a
> trusted key in your keychain the message should automatically become
> encrypted, indicated by the button described above.
> > 5) Even if I do not Encrypt the outgoing message, I get a window asking
> for my Passphrase. In the older PGP version, I had the option to cache the
> Passphrase so I did not have to enter it every time. How do I simplify this
> function?
> By default GPGTools signs all outgoing messages. Therefor GPG asks for
> your password because it needs your private key to sign the message.
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