Ineiev of the Free Software Foundation sent me some typos she noticed
while composing a Russian translation.  I incorporated these typo fixes
and introduced a link to her Russian translation.  Thank you, Ineiev!  :)

There are no other changes to speak of.  The FAQ is current, the
contents are accurate.  This weekend I'll be drafting comments on the
SCEA capabilities; once I have language I'll bring it to the list for
final review before I incorporate it into the FAQ.

Also, please think about what we want to do with the GNU Privacy
Handbook.  Peter and I both think it's badly out of date.  I think it
either needs to be taken down or else completely rewritten.  If the list
consensus is to keep it around but rewrite it, I'll volunteer to
coordinate that task.  (Samir Nassar contacted me to express his
interest in helping with a rewrite, which I really appreciate; thanks,

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