I'm trying to get gpg to create and use keyryring files in the current directory.
In e:\test I have this options file named test.conf :

    keyring test-public.keyring
    secret-keyring test-secret.keyring

If I cd to e:\test and use this command line:

    gpg --gen-key --options test.conf

the keyrings are not created in the current directory, but in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\gnupg
The options file is read, since the keyring files use the specified names.

I'm using gpg to encrypt small backup files which will be decrypted by non-tech-savvy users that do not usually use gpg. I'm going to store the keyrings ready for use on a USB-stick and will not know the absolute path
to the keyfiles.

Any suggestions?

gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.29 (Gpg4win 2.3.0)
Windows 10

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