
The past week I have been trying to figure out how to receive a public key from 
a DNS domain through GnuPG 2.1.9. The way I have been attempting to do this is 
by executing:
gpg --auto-key-locate dane -ea -r felixs...@gmx.de<mailto:felixs...@gmx.de>

However, every time I get the following error message:
gpg: error retrieving 'felixs...@gmx.de' via PKA: Unknown IPC command
gpg: felixs...@gmx.de: skipped: Unknown IPC command
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unknown IPC command

Clearly I am doing something wrong and was wondering if someone could help me 
with this problem.

Thank you in advance,
Felix Seip

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Felix Seip

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