Am 22.02.2015 um 13:17 schrieb Roman Zechmeister <>:

> 1. On Mac OS X it's standard to use Xcode for builds and we're using it for 
> pinentry-mac and all of our other tools.
> Is it okay for you, if we're using an Xcode-Project and Xcode, instead of 
> plain automake, to build pinentry for Mac OS X?

I've seen a lot of projects where the Mac-specific part is nicely integrated 
into automake. The huge disadvantage of Xcode project files is that they are 
huge, can't make much use of the results from configure which often results in 
basically needing a different .xcproj file per combination of OS version and 
architecture (or at least different targets) and do not support cross-compiling 
at all. automake OTOH has none of these problems and is hardly any more work. 
Plus it's possible to edit build rules with an editor instead of a GUI that is 
only available for OS X. Oh, and then of course there's the problem that it's 
not possible to do reproducible builds with .xcproj files!

I think Walter mentioned that he never touched OS X, so I'm guessing he'd 
prefer something that he can read and modify ;).

> 4. pinentry-mac allows the calling app to define a custom message to show.
> This is implemented using PINENTRY_USER_DATA. We allow placeholders like 
> To fill the placeholders, we parse the description from pinentry. This works 
> in the most cases.
> The reason for this feature is, to allow some more informative and readable 
> messages. e.g. We can tell the
> user for which email/file, he enters the passphrase.
> What do you think about that? Is this a desirable feature for pinentry?

Hm, this sounds good at first, but after some thought, there are several 
issues. This could be used to trick the user into thinking he's doing the right 
thing when in fact he's not. What if you just don't use %KEYID, but write 
another key ID there that the user expects, when in fact you sign for something 
else? I think it would be better to have a dialog that shows all these 
information and then maybe a free form text for the justification, where no 
replacing takes place?

> 5. Using PINENTRY_USER_DATA we also allow to set a custom icon to be shown, 
> like the standard
> Mac OS X security dialog. Opinions?

I can't think of any problem with that and this sounds indeed like a good 


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