On 2015-02-16 22:48, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> Hi!
> I hereby request that MacGPG gets removed from gnupg.org due to serious 
> security concerns. Basically, the first thing the Makefile in all their repos 
> / tarballs does is this:
>         @bash -c "$$(curl -fsSL 
> https://raw.github.com/GPGTools/GPGTools_Core/master/newBuildSystem/prepare-core.sh)"
> So you type make not expecting anything bad (you verified the checksum and 
> everything), but you just executed remote code. Great. And they even hide it 
> from you by prefixing it with @, which is downright evil. So you never notice 
> unless you look at the Makefile. Currently, that script clones another common 
> repo using the unverified git:// protocol (because, why use submodules if you 
> can do it in an insecure way?), but obviously, that can change any minute and 
> could change just for certain IPs etc.
> The developer(s) don't allow any issues on GitHub, so I tried contacting them 
> by other means (e.g. Twitter), only to get ignored. They clearly don't care 
> about security.
> In any case, somebody who does something like this clearly doesn't care about 
> security the least. The potential for backdoors is extremely high and I think 
> nobody should be using any software written by this developer / these 
> developer(s), as they clearly demonstrated that they couldn't care less about 
> your security.
> I don't feel comfortable that the majority of Mac users are using this 
> software which doesn't care for security at all, but is used for extremely 
> security sensitive tasks. I guess this is because gnupg.org recommends it and 
> therefore people think it's safe. I think gnupg.org should do the contrary 
> instead and strongly discourage using it.
> --
> Jonathan

It is true that there's a pretty big security hole there with "git clone
git://github.com...", since any malicious attacker can intercept that
communication. There's no checksuming or anything to make this difficult *at

What *does* suprise me is that there's a commit to specifically remove git+ssh
in favour of insecure ssh. There's no comment on why that was done either:


However, I'd recomend that you go over the proper support channels first
(rather than merely twitter) before asking that references to the proyect are

As stated on https://gpgtools.org/:

   Please report any issues you find on our support platform.

Which points to http://support.gpgtools.org/.


Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?

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