
I have done a lot of searching and have not found much to cover my use case. 
Please direct me to any previous discussions if there are any!

Basically, I have stand alone system where files are automatically encrypted 
and decrypted for processing. This is currently setup using quintuple-agent, 
but we want to use something which is maintained.
I am looking to use gpg-agent to store the passphrase, which is entered using 
gpg-preset-passphrase. This all works perfectly other than max-cache-ttl 
removing the passphrase.

I am looking for a way to query the max-cache-ttl  time for gpg-agent so I can 
have an alert as this time approaches.
This will give me a heads up before I need to enter a passphrase with 
gpg-preset-passphrase so it can be planned for an optimal time.

I know there are ways to query some information from gpg-agent with 
gpg-connect-agent, but I have not found any central documentation on how to 
query this.

Let me know if there are any questions and thanks!

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