On Tue,  6 Jan 2015 12:18, alexander.buch...@posteo.de said:

> We both know that almost nobody installs additional certificates.
> So why don't just get a proper certificate like for gnupg.org with a
> complete trust path?

Well, wiki.gnupg.org is run by the folks from Intevation and they use
there own infrastruture.  They wanted a wiki and thus I setup the DNS
for it.

> Btw: Also the TLS configuration of wiki.gnupg.org is not as good as the
> one for gnupg.org (e.g. support for TLS 1.2), see
> https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=wiki.gnupg.org

Well, maybe they can give some insights.



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