On 04/01/15 13:18, Giordano Lipari wrote:
> My machine runs with on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distribution. This comes with a
> default GnuPG 1.4.16 located mainly in /usr/bin as gpg. My competency in
> software engineering is limited. Following the indications in
> https://www.gnupg.org/download/index.html and common sense, I managed to 
> install
> GnuPG 2.0.26 that, however, ended up in /usr/local/bin as pgp2. Therefore I 
> now
> seem to have two GnuPG packages active on my computer. Admittedly my 
> expectation
> was that the new version would have taken care of continuity from the old one.

> [3] After [2] is succesful, will a tool such Enigmail (but, in general, all
> applications counting on GnuPG) automatically recognise the latest version, 
> seen
> that the new version is called gpg2 instead of gpg?

You don't need to worry greatly.  Gnupg 1.4.16 and gnupg 2.0.26 can co-exist on
the same machine with no problem.

I am in exactly the same case with Ubuntu.  I did the same as you and Enigmail
immediately picked up the 2.0.26 gpg2 which it uses with no problems.

I tend to use 1.4.16 from the command line.

However, the next step is to to move to gnupg 2.1 and that cannot co-exist with
2.0 versions.

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