I am using GPG every day on my Mac, and I am really glad to see that is working 
super fine: I can send encrypted messages with sensible information with my 
friends and colleagues, without thinking about gmail reading its content to 
provide ads to me. Sadly I noticed that on iOS (as on the majority of the other 
OS available) there is no support for GPG/PGP, and the apps available are ugly.

Since the last release of iOS8 it is possible to execute “extensions” to 
provide some tools and extra feature of your app inside the entire OS. This 
means that developers are able to create an “extension” that could verify the 
signature or decrypt/encrypt an email, or a web page. Read more here: 

I would like to know if there is anybody around the world that is working on 
this, so I can help instead of creating my own app.  I believe that 
gpgtools.org code and developers could contribute to this idea.

I am open to any feedback. I hope somebody is already working on this.
Thanks for your time.

Lorenzo Setale
CTO at MinBilDinBil.dk

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

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