On Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:02, br...@minton.name said:
> Thanks for the good work! Do you get any income from kernel concepts with
> sale of the OpenPGP smart cards? I prefer to buy products from for-profit
> companies, and donate only to charities / nonprofit organizations.

Initially I distributed few hundreds cards myself; however this is a lot
of work given that my business is not setup for distributing small
physical goods.  Thus I asked Petra of kernelconcepts whether they want
to do take care of it.  They do not make a lot of profit from the cards
and thus I do not ask for a share of it.

g10 Code is not a charity but there have been talks on how to set up a
charitable entity to support crypto projects.  I hope that we can
establish this by next spring.  In the meantime you may donate to the
Wau Holland Stiftung <https://www.wauland.de/en/donation.html#61> which
is a charity and will use these donation to pay for development work on



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