On 11/17/2014 05:44 AM, Allan McRae wrote:
> I have a GPG keychain for the root user which is used to validate all
> files in my package management system.  To add a key into this key
> chain, I have been running:
> sudo gpg --homedir /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ --recv-keys EAE999BD
> With the 2.1 release, this now give the following error:
> gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/root/.gnupg/S.dirmngr' failed: IPC connect
> call failed
> gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr
> Is there a way to handle this that I am missing or is it a bug?

what version of dirmngr are you running?  gnupg 2.1.0 needs to use
dirmngr 2.1.0 (found in the gnupg 2.1.x source now, instead of the
separate distribution).

btw, i strongly recommend against using short Key IDs as desscribed
above ("--recv-keys EAE999BD") -- these are trivial to spoof, and using
them as you do above makes it quite likely that you'll pull in keys from
the keyservers that you do not want in your package manager's trusted list.


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