On Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:41, do...@dougbarton.us said:

> I got to their site from the link  on
> https://www.gnupg.org/download/index.html so I had assumed it was
> Ok. :-/

Me too.  I do not have access to a Mac, thus I am not able to test the
stuff myself.  After they fixed some license related things and talking
an hour to one of the contributors, I once added gpgtools.org to

Regarding timely updates we have the same problem on Windows: The
Gpg4win package is huge and thus I can't easily build it along with a
new GnuPG release.  My tentative plan is to split off the GnuPG core and
provide an Windows installer just for the GnuPG code.  That installer
should be able to operate in silent mode, so that it can be used as
sub-installer from other packages.  And it would allow to update just
GnuPG.  I am currently looking in Side-by-Side assemblies (Manifest
files) to reduce problems with multiple versions of certain DLLs
installed on Windows.



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