On 13/08/14 22:13, Kristian Fiskerstrand wrote:
> On 08/12/2014 09:21 PM, OmegaPhil wrote:
>> Please CC me in etc, I'm not subscribed to the list.
>> Haven't been able to 'refresh all public keys' on keys.gnupg.net
>> in Enigmail for a while now (only have two keys), so I had a look
>> at the servers responsible (host keys.gnupg.net) - the following
>> appear to be bad for me accessing from the UK:
>> No response to pings Destination
>> Host Unreachable No response to pings
> Using ping is not a reliable way to check availability, the icmp
> protocol is often blocked by the firewall, you should do a HTTP get
> request.
> As for your issues, try using --keyserver
> hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 to rule out any firewall blocking
> 11371 etc.

Fair point, although that would be a network misconfiguration as
ping/ICMP is required for network troubleshooting, packet fragmentation
stuff etc (for reference I'm testing from a dedicated line that I control).

I can confirm that all hosts at least appear to respond (i.e. not stall
gpg), when queried direct, but a number don't seem to be maintaining the
same pool of keys:

gpgkeys: key 7977070A723C6CCB696C0B0227A5AC5A01937621
gpgkeys: key E76095ECDACD5DEC7653A99617D23C7DFDC2F38F

Cant be retrieved hosts:


Not found on keyserver hosts:


hkp:// was particularly bad:


gpg: refreshing 2 keys from hkp://
gpg: requesting key 01937621 from hkp server
gpg: requesting key FDC2F38F from hkp server
gpg: packet(2) with unknown version 71
gpg: read_block: read error: invalid packet
gpg: Total number processed: 0
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpgkeys: key 7977070A723C6CCB696C0B0227A5AC5A01937621 not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key E76095ECDACD5DEC7653A99617D23C7DFDC2F38F not found on keyserver


The stalling I guess is an Enigmail screwup (more commandline experience
for me is fine ;))

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