On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:15, mac3...@gmail.com said:

> 3.  sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon
> /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon.bak  (this is a hack to prevent gnome
> from hijacking gnupg)

You should start gnome-keyring-daemon with


In case you do not use GnuPG ssh agent support, add "ssh" to the above
list.  Never ever add "gpg" to the list.

> 10.  The make check seems to hang on genkey1024.test (right after
> detachm.test) but don't give up.  It actually took 20 minutes by my
> watch on my HP Envy i5 3 GHz machine to complete this step, then
> completed all tests successfully.

On a test machine you may want to run

   rngd -fr /dev/urandom

which basically truns /dev/random into /dev/urandom.



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