On 12/08/14 08:17, Hauke Laging wrote:
> Am Mo 11.08.2014, 09:10:23 schrieb da...@gbenet.com:
>> Am getting the following msg now
>> Error - key extraction command failed
>> /usr/bin/gpg --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --batch --no-tty
>> --status-fd 2 -a --export 0x8716853A
>> gpg: WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration
>> file `/home/david/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
>> gpg: /home/david/.gnupg/gpg.conf:6: argument not expected
> Interesting.
> What happens if you try this command in the shell?
> What is in line 6 of gpg.conf? debug-level basic?
> Can you avoid the error by commenting out the line which causes the 
> problem and fixing the permissions for ~/.gnupg/?
> Hauke

I have tried all this - but I still get the same errors even after restarting 
my laptop.
KGpg fails to start Kleopatra keeps warming me of errors and enigmail refuses 
to send mail
unless I force no signing force no encryption. If I try to use gpg2 in enigmail 
it shuts
down completely refusing to do anything.

The more I do the more it seems that I do not fix this problem. All I get is 
the same error
message from enigmail:

Error - key extraction command failed
/usr/bin/gpg --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --batch --no-tty 
--status-fd 2 -a
--export 0x8716853A
gpg: WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file
gpg: /home/david/.gnupg/gpg.conf:6: argument not expected

I'm getting brain ache!! Ha!


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