On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:53 PM, <pedro.mar...@ml1.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the answers about the CRC error, i found what i needed, but it
> took me now to other questions. Actually i got the CRC error when i
> some strings of a public key and then i tried to import it.

The CRC checksum can't tell the difference between intentional modification
of the type you describe and data corruption; it simply knows that the
checksum doesn't match what it thinks it should be, so it presents the

> I told to my self that it would be interesting as securing method to sign
> stuff with a private key "with out having the public key". this would
mean that only
> the person who has public key would have access to the data with out
> a password.

When would this be useful? The public key is public, and anyone with it
could decode the message. To secure a message such that only the desired
recipient can read it, you should encrypt a message to the recipient's
public key so that only their private key can decrypt it.

Simply put, I don't understand a situation where using your system would be
an improvement over the current system, but perhaps I misunderstand

> (and the person with the private key too i think, it would be great if
only the person
> with the public key can decrypt the data, maybe there is one option, i'll
check for that.)
> So why i was asking about the CRC error?

Because the key was modified in a way that GPG did not expect.

> when i was testing this method, i removed the keys from my keyring, and
> i imported only the secret key. For my surprise there was also the public
> Is there anyway to only import the secret key?

The public key can be (and is) regenerated as needed from the private key.
If you import a private key and there is no corresponding public key in the
keyring, GPG automatically recreates the public key and puts it in the
keyring. As far as I know there is no way to import only a private key
without the corresponding public key.

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