On 06/06/2014 01:11 AM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> On June 6, 2014 1:58:47 AM CDT, Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> On 06/06/2014 12:32 AM, Bob Holtzman wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 05:32:38PM -0600, Mirimir wrote:
>>>> On 06/05/2014 12:09 PM, Bob Holtzman wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 05, 2014 at 03:26:16AM -0400, Cpp wrote:
>>>>>> Dear GnuPG users,
>>>>>> As part of the ResetTheNet campaign I decided to start using email
>>>>>> encryption. I am a relatively new user of gpg, who is looking
>> forward
>>>>>> to using it for secure communication.
>>>>> This is not a critism, but with who do you plan on communicating 
>>>>> using encryption? Absolutely no one I know uses it or is remotely
>>>>> interested in it. I get the standard answer "I have nothing to
>> hide".
>>>> I've used GnuPG almost exclusively with people who know me only as
>>>> mirimir, or as another of my online personas. For the most part,
>> those
>>>> are people that I know only as their online personas. I've also used
>>>> GnuPG with a few consulting clients.
>>>>> Mentioning their bank p/w does tend to pull them up short. I do
>> enjoy
>>>>> the look on their faces.
>>>> I've never used GnuPG with a bank ;)
>>> I mentioned their bank p/w in reply to their mindless statement "I
>> have
>>> nothing to hide" to show them that yes lad, you do indeed have plenty
>> to
>>> hide. 
>> Indeed. And that reminds me of a similar issue. I don't recall any
>> hosting provider that asked for my key for securely sending passwords,
>> even IPMI passwords! And when asked, most have said that they weren't
>> set up for that.
> Wait, why would  you want that?  That would mean they were storing
> your password insecurely. 

I'm not referring to web account passwords. I mean root login passwords
for servers. Once I login, change the root password, set up SSH, etc it
doesn't matter. But it bugs me. And passwords for IPMI interfaces are
far worse, because customers can't change them.

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