On 06/03/2014 10:43 PM, David Shaw wrote:
> Likely of interest to this group:
> http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.com/2014/06/making-end-to-end-encryption-easier-to.html
> Briefly, it's a Chrome extension for doing OpenPGP.  It can import and use 
> RSA keys generated elsewhere, but only has code to generate ECC keys 
> internally.
> I haven't looked at the fine details yet, but on the surface it seems like 
> they're aiming at Gmail (mainly, but not solely).
> David
Good that Google has released the source. Hope to see the implementation
compared to OpenPGP.js.


PGP key <http://is.gd/aslampgpmit> fingerprint: 736C D83E 32DB A2FD 0208
9113 0FC8 BA7D FECF 84FB

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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