I might have to ask Robert how comfortable his new asbestos longjohns are.

Rather, as evidenced by my willingness to try and tackle this one.

To a first approximation, trust is confidence in the future's predictability. My friends who grew up in dictatorships tell me the uncertainty was far worse than the oppression -- or, more to the point, that pervasive uncertainty is its own unique form of oppression. They didn't know which of their loved ones were reporting on them to the state security forces. They didn't know if the police officer they saw on the street was going to obey the dictator's law or decide his truncheon and gun gave him the right to enact his own law. They didn't... etc., etc.

To defend against this, they smiled and moved forwards. Some turned to religion: "God will provide. God will keep me safe." Some turned to optimism: "Tomorrow will be better. I won't get shaken down by the authorities tomorrow." But they all worked to create their own confidence in the predictability of the future, and in so doing managed to keep their psychological health intact. That health helped them prevail against their situation.

So, my answer to whether "some things are suspect" or "all things are suspect" is the true state of affairs is this: does it really matter? Regardless of whether "some" or "all" are suspect, a smile and faith in tomorrow seem to be much more important. Don't despair. Tomorrow's looking good. Embrace that, and then you might find the answers to other questions come more easily. :)

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