On 04/30/2014 12:41 AM, Werner Koch wrote:

I have changed the website setup so that any plain text access to
www.gnupg.org is redirected to https://www.gnupg.org .  Strict Transport
Security (HSTS) has also been enabled.

In case of problems with TLS you may use www dot tla-friendly dot
gnupg.org to view the pages.

Note that https is not enforced for lists.gnupg.org and the other
services because over there we use CAcert certificates which do not work
widely enough.

All good news. :)

If there is an interest to have lists at https as well,
I consider to purchase a certificate for it.

I know it's been discussed on the list before, but I'm quite happy with https://www.startssl.com/, and you certainly can't beat the price. :)


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