Is anyone else getting spam like this the instant they post to the list?
 It seems as if one listmember might have a compromised PC which is
sending out spam in response to anything that comes in.

(The full message headers have been trimmed, as they're not particularly
useful.  If a list maintainer wants, though, I'll be happy to send the
full headers.)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Re: A few newbie Qs
Date:   Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:46:27 +0000 (UTC)
From:   Alyssa <>
To:     robert j hansen <>

Hey cool you wrote back :) Wasn't sure if you were real or not it's hard
to tell sometimes lol. Can you send me a recent pic to this email? Also
you are looking for something really casual right? You need to know I'm
not looking for a boyfriend I just got out of a relationship. I need
some fun and a one night stand or whatever the heck its called. I
suppose if you were good enough we could meet again it depends how it
feels lol. See how it goes? I'll send you my pic now, yours is already
good enough for me. Maybe send one more. Did you wanna make a plan or

[[ attachment of type image/jpeg removed ]]

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