On 09/04/14 14:17, Sam Gleske wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Felipe Vieira <fmv1...@gmail.com
> <mailto:fmv1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear GNUPG community,
>     I think a lot of unexperienced users would like to know more about
>     the Heartbleed problem found on some of the openssl versions. I
>     have two broad questions and two specific questions:
>     1) Which type of clients have been compromised (consider an
>     ordinary user)?
>     2) Which common applications use openssl and are a potential target?
>     2) Are firefox users compromised?
>     3) Are RetroShare users compromised?
>     Thanks in advance.
> For the most part it is service providers who are affected by the
> bug.  There's a handy website to verbosely explain heartbleed.
> http://heartbleed.com/
> Affected services include HTTP, email servers (SMTP, POP and IMAP
> protocols), chat servers (XMPP protocol), virtual private networks
> (SSL VPNs), databases (e.g. mysql), and pretty much any service that
> uses openssl TSL/SSL to secure transport of services if they're
> recently patched.
> Security notices for popular server distros...
> RHEL - https://access.redhat.com/site/solutions/781793
> Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2165-1/
> There's not much you can do at this point.  Update your system
> packages and that's about it.
> Essentially you want to take the following steps if you're  service
> provider.
> 1. Test for the vulnerability - http://pastebin.com/WmxzjkXJ it is
> also prudent to search for the affected package versions across all
> services.
> 2. If vulnerable patch the OpenSSL version of public front end
> services first.  Patch backend services after the front end is secure.
> 3. Reissue SSL private keys and certificates.  Since the leak exposes
> the private key it is no longer pristine.
> For the remaining more thorough steps of what to do see the
> heartbleed.org <http://heartbleed.org> website which has a nice set of
> instructions.
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It is imperative you revoke old keys! Not just reissue!



Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
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Former Thawte Notary
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