On 14/03/14 17:28, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
Totally off-topic. But that your father was a highly positioned judge, would make you rather biased.

Sure, just like someone being German would make them pretty biased against Jews.

What I just said was insensitive, offensive, and completely inappropriate. So, too, was what you just said. Grow up.

Gnupg-users mailing list
Haha. Unfortunately for you, I am not German, so i am not insulted. But I do know loads of German's, which of course, with you making such statements, not only shows that you have a serious problem, if you have to offend people, just because you feel offended, but also shows how ignorant you are. Excusing your behaviour after is hardly a sign of maturity.

Unlike you, I based my statement on what you said in your email, namely, that you got information from your father, which makes it hear-say. Further, getting facts from a second party about a third party about information, that would fall under a piece of legislation, which permits nobody to even discuss it, makes such statements meaningless. Further adding your comments about intelligence matters, that you clearly can not have any knowledge of, does not qualify you to make any such statements. Hence, my statement about you being biased.

Further, all this discussion is quite meaningless anyway. Needless to say all this is totally off-topic, I just wanted to be sure that you got somebody else's opinion, as you were quite so dismissive about another person and their opinions on this list. I tend to side with people being "bullied".

Now maybe we can get back to the perfectly legitimate issues regarding the use of sub-keys and the use of multiples of these.




Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812

Former Thawte Notary
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