On Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:48, per.tune...@operamail.com said:

> the downloaded file gnupg-w32cli-1.4.16.exe doesn't verify against the
> hash published at the gnupg site:

Looking at the source file for the version information
(gnupg-doc/web/swdb.mac in the gnupg-doc repo):

#+macro: gnupg1_ver      1.4.16
#+macro: gnupg1_branch   STABLE-BRANCH-1-4
#+macro: gnupg1_size     3571k
#+macro: gnupg1_size_gz  4955k
#+macro: gnupg1_sha1     0bf5e475f3eb6f33d5474d017fe5bf66070e43f4
#+macro: gnupg1_sha1_gz  ea40324a5b2e3a16ffb63ea0ccc950a3faf5b11c
#+macro: gnupg1_patch_ver   1.4.15-1.4.16
#+macro: gnupg1_patch_size  26k
#+macro: gnupg1_patch_sha1  82079c7c183467b4dd3795ca197983cd2494cec4
#+macro: gnupg1_w32cli_ver  1.4.16
#+macro: gnupg1_w32cli_size 1573k
#+macro: gnupg1_w32cli_sha1 ead70b47218ba76da51c16b652bee2a712faf2f6

this was last been changed 9fef86fa (Werner Koch 2013-12-18 18:04:54 +0100 
when I did the release.  I prepared the release a couple of days earlier
which can be seen from the signature info: Fri Dec 13 09:59:57 2013 CET.

The announcement however has these checksums:

0bf5e475f3eb6f33d5474d017fe5bf66070e43f4  gnupg-1.4.16.tar.bz2
ea40324a5b2e3a16ffb63ea0ccc950a3faf5b11c  gnupg-1.4.16.tar.gz
ead70b47218ba76da51c16b652bee2a712faf2f6  gnupg-1.4.15-1.4.16.diff.bz2
82079c7c183467b4dd3795ca197983cd2494cec4  gnupg-w32cli-1.4.16.exe

Thus I obviously swapped the diff and the binary file's checksums. 

Will fix that now.  Thanks.



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