Csabi wrote:
> I have some old files encrypted with (probably) the old PGP 2.6.x version.
> I tried to decrypt it with GNUPG 1.4.14, but i unable to do it.
> I use "gpg -v encryptedfile.pgp option to decrypt the file...
> gpg: assuming IDEA encrypted data
> Enter passphrase:
> gpg: ring trust w/o key
> gpg: [don't know] invalid packet (ctb=42)
> gpg: WARNING: message was not integrit protected
> gpg: packet(2) with unknown version 77

I've just compiled pgp-2.6.3ii (on linux/i386), encrypted file (pgp -c), with
various options (+compress=on/off, +textmode=on/off, pipe/​file, small/​bigger),
and decrypted it with gnupg 1.4.14 without any problem. (Of course I could've
missed some combination, etc).

$ gpg -v stdin.pgp
gpg: assuming IDEA encrypted data
<agent prompts for passphrase>
gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected

You may also want to try gpg --list-packet

Note that when I tried to enter various *incorrect* passwords, error messages
also *varied* (invalid packet, packet with unknown version, invalid marker
packet, uncompression failed, etc; sometimes one message, sometimes more), so
maybe your password just *still incorrect*.

(For sake of completeness, I also tried to pass data other way round, pgp2 also
was able to decrypt file created with gpg --pgp2 -c /path/to/file)

> I remembered correctly the password which i used to encrypt the files.
> If i write any different password then GNUPG shows me the following
> message:
> gpg: assuming IDEA encrypted data
> Enter passphrase:
> gpg: packet(6) with unknown version 22
> gpg: WARNING: message was not integrit protected
> gpg: uncompressing failed: unknown compress algorithm
> Are there any differences between this GNUPG version (with built-in IDEA
> support) and the older GNUPG 1.4.x versions that use the "idea.dll" module?

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