On Wed, 25 Dec 2013 18:30:29 +0000
Alice Bob <cont...@encreep.com> wrote:

> Yep those are all valid points, and the issue of closed source vs
> open source vs crypto has been discussed many times before encreep,
> and there is nothing new for me to add on that. I personally use a
> lot of closed software on my machine, it does not bother me as much.

I will never trust a closed source app when it says that it guards my
privacy. It's simple -- if you don't know how something works, how can
you be sure that it doesn't do things that it shouldn't do? This is
unacceptable, especially when it comes to privacy and security. Just
think about it -- "we can take care of you, and the only one thing you
have to do is to trust us". I think NSA said so. :)

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