Good morning Paul.  Instead of having the mainframe run a process to call the 
script on the server, I was able to get an answer from 'them' regarding when 
the file would be available, and I've scheduled the process to run on the 
server.  All is well now.

John Diaz
602-274-5359 x1284

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul R. Ramer []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 7:52 PM
To: Diaz, John, A
Subject: Re: Decrypt Issue

On 09/25/2013 09:36 AM, Diaz, John, A wrote:
> Spoke too soon.  The wrong path was part of the problem, but I’m still having 
> the issue:
> Mainframe calls .bat file that calls C# application that calls second .bat 
> file to call GnuPG to decrypt a file. Once decrypted, other stuff happens, 
> e-mails are sent, blah, blah, blah.
> Here's the issue: When the mainframe calls the .bat file to start the 
> process, the decryption returns:
> Decrypt error :gpg: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (AIX)
> gpg: public key is 07F7097A
> gpg: encrypted with ELG-E key, ID 07F7097A
> gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available
> If I RDP into the server with the credentials specified in the mainframe JCL, 
> I see this from the decrypt:
> gpg: armor header: Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (AIX)
> gpg: public key is 07F7097A
> gpg: using subkey 07F7097A instead of primary key AB96877A
> gpg: using subkey 07F7097A instead of primary key AB96877A
> gpg: encrypted with 2048-bit ELG key, ID 07F7097A, created 2007-05-25
>       "FMCSFTPKey <e-mail address>"
> gpg: AES256 encrypted data
> gpg: original file name='DE-ETE-090313'
> What do I need to do, or have the owners of the encrypted data do, to resolve 
> this?

I do believe that your issue is caused by your script being run by your client 
system, and gpg is looking for the secret key on your *client* system.  I think 
it is further indicative of this given that when you connect to server with 
Remote Desktop, it works.  If the key is on the server and script is being run 
on the client, the reference to gpg in script will need to use gpg --homedir 

To test this, if you can edit the script that calls gpg, put a line in it to 
print out the value of the GNUPGHOME environment variable.
Another way that you could do this is make gpg list its secret keys with gpg -v 
--list-secret-keys.  By using -v option the first line of gpg's output will 
print the location of the secret keyring that is being listed.  If it does not 
match the location of the secret key you have on your server, you have found 
your problem.

If you do not have permission to edit the script, convince the responsible 
party to do himself.  It is the only way you are going to know if gpg is 
looking in right place.  When you get "secret key not available", your first 
recourse should be to determine if secret key you want is in your gnupg 
directory or if gpg is using the correct home directory.




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