
for the first time in history(?) cryptography has become a subject for 
mainstream media. Over the last weeks my web page got a visitors increate of 
600+% for the key word "openpgp".

That's nice but crypto still has a "rather low" fun factor. I don't claim that 
the fun factor is the decisive part of a possible "success" of mainstream 
crypto but it may make the work of some promoting people easier. And maybe we 
can get this without much work.

Linux has its cuddly penguin, BSD its devil, openSUSE the chameleon... Whether 
the GNU gnu increases the fun factor is a difficult question... ;-)

I guess it would be good to have something like that for OpenPGP. Something 
that people both like and recognize. Something that both instructors (OpenPGP 
courses) and private people, companies and other organizations which use it 
can put on their web pages in order to create awareness.

I would prefer something with a strong appearance, a smiling rhino or gorilla 
maybe. :-)

I am a total artistic black-out so I can hardly do more about that than say "I 
would like to have it". But if it turns out that there is a broad agreement 
(above all among those who publicly promote crypto) that it would be nice to 
have something like that then we might search for talented volunteers in the 

Crypto für alle: http://www.openpgp-schulungen.de/fuer/bekannte/
OpenPGP: 7D82 FB9F D25A 2CE4 5241 6C37 BF4B 8EEF 1A57 1DF5

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