On 02/26/2013 02:19 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
On 26/02/13 07:43, Doug Barton wrote:
That worked for me, although I was a bit disappointed that placing the cert at
/etc/ssl/certs/ca.hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net.cert didn't work like all the
docs said it should.

Please realise that if it would have worked, you would have installed that
sks-keyservers certificate authority as a system-wide certificate authority, and
your browser and other programs might[1] happily accept a certificate for your
e-mail provider or your banking site created and signed by the sks-keyservers 

Yes, I actually understand PKI rather well, but thanks for the warning. :) I think Werner summed up my own thoughts rather well, so I'll leave it at that.


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