On 02/21/2013 06:32 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
On 02/22/2013 09:18 AM, Doug Barton wrote:
I have the following script that does this for you in a Unix'y
environment, assuming your DE doesn't already handle it:

What I'm hoping for is something I can use in a utility script, so that
the user doesn't have to mess with their (likely distro-specific) login
session setup details.

That's a good thought, but the problem is that they are very different. Unless you have a limited number of relevant DEs, and/or you're willing to do a lot of research to cover all/most of them, you're in for a rough ride.

If they already have an agent, I want to use it,
and if they don't I want to start one for the ues of the script.

The script I sent you the link to has the ability to determine if the agent is running.

If I need to I can take the approach you have there, where you set the
agent up globally across the user session, and just make people perform
the setup steps if their DE doesn't already provide an agent. I was just
hoping for something a bit more transparent.

You could also use the "standard socket" approach instead. Check out the man page for gpg-agent.



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