On Thu, 07 Feb 2013 22:16:23 -0500
"Robert J. Hansen" <r...@sixdemonbag.org> wrote:

> GnuPG was mentioned (somewhat inaccurately, but still mentioned) in
> the _Daily Mail_.  It's not exactly 'respectable journalism', but
> it's still very high-visibility.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2274388/MI5-install-black-box-spy-devices-monitor-UK-internet-traffic.html

Heheh... HushMail - JavaApplet + 1024 RSA key, lovely stuff :)

Branko Majic
Jabber: bra...@majic.rs
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Џабер: bra...@majic.rs
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