On Wed,  1 Aug 2012 18:54, auto15963...@hushmail.com said:

> I already have Gpg installed, as well as GPA, but I have not used them
> for smime, which is, I think, what I hear you say I can do? In any case,

If you have X.509 certifciates (from S/MIME) oth, GPA and Kleopatra,
will show them along with the OpenPGP certifciates.

> when I right-click the certificate in Win7, I see no option that would
> lead me to believe that my system is currently capable of viewing this

The GnuPG implementation is independent of the Windows S/MIME
implementation.  Thus you can't see them there unless you export them
from GnuPG and import them into Windows.

The Gpg4win compendium (English beta version) describes this all.



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