>> Hi,
>> I have a symmetrically encrypted pgp file here:
>> http://16s.us/word_machine/downloads/pgp-easy.tgz.pgp
>> gpg will accept the three characters !=X as the password and exit with
a return status of 0 (although it does not actually decrypt the file):
>> $ gpg -d pgp-easy.tgz.pgp gpg: CAST5 encrypted data gpg: encrypted with
1 passphrase gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity
>> protected
> Yep, I got essentially the same thing:
> bash-3.2$ gpg -vvv pgp-easy.tgz.pgp
> gpg: using character set `utf-8'
> :symkey enc packet: version 4, cipher 3, s2k 3, hash 2
>       salt 8dd17929c3935452, count 65536 (96)
> gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
> :encrypted data packet:
>       length: unknown
> gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase
> gpg: decryption okay
> gpg: WARNING: message was not integrity protected
> bash-3.2$ pgpdump pgp-easy.tgz.pgp
> Old: Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packet(tag 3)(13 bytes)
>       New version(4)
>       Sym alg - CAST5(sym 3)
>       Iterated and salted string-to-key(s2k 3):
>               Hash alg - SHA1(hash 2)
>               Salt - 8d d1 79 29 c3 93 54 52
>               Count - 65536(coded count 96)
> New: Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet(tag 9)(512 bytes) partial start
>       Encrypted data [sym alg is specified in sym-key encrypted session key]
> New:  (13 bytes) partial end
> bash-3.2$
>> !=X is not the plaintext password that was used to encrypt the
>> file. I was hoping someone on the list might be able to help me
understand why this might happen. Could it be a bug in gpg, or
>> OpenPGP itself? Here is my gpg version:
> I symmetrically encrypted another file with CAST5 (same version of GPG
as you) and tried the same trick.  The !=X string did not produce the
the same message.  Instead I received the expected "decryption failed:
bad key" message.
>> I don't yet know the actual plaintext password or the exact
>> commands/program used to encrypt the file, but I should know in a few
days. This is a file that's apart of the defcon password
>> cracking contest and I came across this and wanted to mention it here.
> Ah.  I suspect that it will either be something weird to do with
whatever software was used to encrypt the file or someone has found a
way to be sneaky with it.  Either way, when all is revealed please post
a follow-up.
>> I'm not subscribed to this list, so please cc me if you want to reach me.
> Sure.  There has only been one other response which it does not appear
was CC'd to you, but it didn't shed any light either.
> Maybe someone else here will have some insight.
> Regards,
> Ben


Thanks for the reply Ben, I've encountered several other plaintext strings
that cause the same behavior. Here's another one:


It seems to work (gpg -d accepts the string and exits with status 0) but
again the data are not decrypted. Someone cracked this, so we should know
what the actual plaintext is soon.

Thanks again,


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