Good day Hauke,
        I am new to the list and have finally found the time to take a good
look at the digests. As I look at Digest, Vol 106, Issue 5 I note the
varied issues with SHA 1. I would like the advantage of the SHA 256,
however I was not able to find the conf file. All I found was the
gnupconf.exe file with no practical way to view it. For now I will
assume I've erred and just ask, where do I find the appropriate file?
Sorry if it's a dumb question but I'm new both to this list and
cryptography, so your assistance would be of help. If it's too noob a
question just say so and I'll not bother you folks again. Thanks in advance.
Dr. C.

On 7/10/2012 19 13, wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: why is SHA1 used? How do I get SHA256 to be used?
>       (Hauke Laging)

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