Hello Sam !

Sam Smith <smick...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> When I use "personal-digest-preferences", should I be inputting a list? Or
> is a single entry all that's necessary?

    Choose your preferences using this:

? Cipher-Algos:    ? Digest-Algos:    ? Compress-Algos:  ?
?                  ?                  ? Z0  Uncompressed ?
? S1  IDEA         ? H1  MD5          ? Z1  ZIP          ?
? S2  3DES         ? H2  SHA1         ? Z2  ZLIB         ?
? S3  CAST5        ? H3  RIPEMD160    ? Z3  BZIP2        ?
? S4  BLOWFISH     ?                  ?                  ?
?                  ?                  ?                  ?
?                  ?                  ?                  ?
? S7  AES          ?                  ?                  ?
? S8  AES192       ? H8  SHA256       ?                  ?
? S9  AES256       ? H9  SHA384       ?                  ?
? S10 TWOFISH      ? H10 SHA512       ?                  ?
? S11 CAMELLIA128  ? H11 SHA224       ?                  ?
? S12 CAMELLIA192  ?                  ?                  ?
? S13 CAMELLIA256  ?                  ?                  ?

    Then, write it in numbers (easier than the whole word, but not everybody 
likes this :-) in GPG.CONF; looks like this:

default-preference-list S10 S9 S4 S8 S12 S11 S13 S3 S2 S1 S7 H8 H3 H11 H10 H9 
H2 H1 Z3 Z2 Z1 Z0
personal-cipher-preferences S10 S9 S4 S8 S12 S11 S13 S3 S2 S1 S7
personal-digest-preferences H8 H3 H11 H10 H9 H2 H1
personal-compress-preferences Z3 Z2 Z1 Z0

    After that, run setpref to brand your key with the same digits than 
default-preference-list :

setpref S10 S9 S4 S8 S12 S11 S13 S3 S2 S1 S7 H8 H3 H11 H10 H9 H2 H1 Z3 Z2 Z1 Z0

    Verify with pref if your key is branded, and send it to the servers.

Laurent Jumet
      KeyID: 0xCFAF704C

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