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On 25/05/12 21:47, Robert J. Hansen wrote:
> On 5/25/12 1:47 PM, da...@gbenet.com wrote:
>> For example opensuse - all versions tested:
>> (1) When you open the address book in TB select an address right 
>> mouse click you get an option to create a per-recipient rule for
>> that person. (Openpgp/inigmail is installed for you to do this).
>> With gpg2 installed this option flickers jumps and fades out.
> I have an OpenSUSE 12.1 system here on my desktop.  I cannot recreate
> this.
>> (2) With gpg1 - it is clear - no jumping -no fading no fuzziness - 
>> you get other options - such a delete - which are not available
>> when just pgp2 is installed. This same flickering and fuzzing
>> occurs with Fedora-16 all GUIs 32/64 bit and you only have one menu
>> option which is to create a rule - though it flickers on and off
>> one does not know one's created a rule till you go an check it
>> within the options of openpgp.
> I have a Fedora 16 server in the closet.  I cannot recreate this.
>> (4) But - and this is the big big big but - you  can not digitally 
>> sign whilst encrypting - and worse when the person gets that
>> e-mail they say "Why did you send me an e-mail that I can not
>> open." These are real person to person facts with gpg2 installed on
>> all the Linux distros I tested.
> I cannot recreate this on either my Ubuntu 12.04LTS laptop, my OpenSUSE
> desktop, or my Fedora 16 server.
>> (5) Now I say that gpg2 does not work with the Linux distros I 
>> tested. Not all Linux distros are the same they convert open
>> source to proprietary branded Linux.
> Them's fightin' words, "convert[ing] open source to proprietary."
>> This is why I said and listed those Linux distros that gpg2 does
>> not work with. Now I suggested that perhaps enigmail/openpgp was at
>> fault - and got told to bugger off cos it was a gpg2 problem.
> No one told you to do this.  Instead, you were told that if you were so
> certain this was a GnuPG 2 problem that you should take it to
> GnuPG-Users.  People also volunteered to help you discover the root of
> your problem with GnuPG 2, but you did not take them up on it.
>> Now some people's reaction was not helpful - reading in that I was 
>> angry without reading the contents of my e-mail - these are ...
> We try to keep this mailing list free of vulgarity.  I understand you're
> frustrated and find these people (e.g., me) to be vexing, but many of us
> would appreciate it if you would avoid vulgar language.
>> (1) Because "Oh it works on my system so it must work on other 
>> people's."
> As opposed to, "because it doesn't work on my system it must not work,
> period"?
>> (2) "Bugger off we are not interested in how many Linux distros
>> you tested it's not got anything to do with us."
> Which is, you know, *true*.  If you're certain the problem is with GnuPG
> 2, then complaining about it on the Enigmail list isn't going to be very
> productive.  The GnuPG developers are on this list, not that one.
>> (1) Some heavily branded Linux distros do re-write all the open 
>> source code to lock users in and deprive them of some functionality
>> - Seahorse is a case in point
> This does not seem to be true.  Which distros are forbidding you from
> getting the source code for Seahorse?  If they are doing this then they
> are violating the copyright license of the Seahorse code, and I'm
> certain the Seahorse developers would take great umbrage at that.
>> (2) Even when installing the open source for TB and Enigmail gpg2 
>> does not work on Linux distros (I tested)
> It does not work *for you*.
>> (3) Some Linux distros (the one's I tested) do not support gpg2
> It does not work *for you*.
>> There is one commonality which stands out and that is gpg2.
> The other commonality is you.  It's quite possible you're doing
> something wrong.  And to repeat, we would be happy to try and help, but
> so far your attitude towards help seems to have been one of angry
> defiance.
>> (1) Do not Install any version of opensuse any version of Ubuntu
>> any version of Fedora-16 and any version of Linux Mint. Why? The
>> gpg2 that get's installed does not work.
> My experience, and that of tens of thousands of other Fedora 16, Ubuntu
> and Linux Mint users, is different.
>> (2) All heavily branded Linux distros are no respecter's of open 
>> source.
> I need to see specific instances of their violating the copyright
> license attached to the code, please.
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> Gnupg-users mailing list
> Gnupg-users@gnupg.org
> http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users
Let me reiterate "I am not angry." Which means in common English let me explain 
again to you
I am not angry.

I gave you an example which was Seahorse - clearly you failed to read.

I have set out quite clearly the issues found on Linux distros - you are unable 
to provide a
solution to any. I am neither angry or disappointed. I state observations quite 
clearly -
the recorded facts - and you are at a loss.

As previously stated I now run Linux Mint/Ubuntu LXDE 32 bit with gnupg 1.4.11 
I am quite
happy with this set up. It works. I am considering installing Mandriva 64 bit 
with LXDE
which from tests shows it to be stable with gpg2. My tardiness (slowness) in 
making such a
move is I am a little tired of installing Linux distros.


- -- 
“See the sanity of the man! No gods, no angels, no demons, no body. Nothing of 
kind.Stern, sane,every brain-cell perfect and complete even at the moment of 
death. No
delusion.” https://linuxcounter.net/user/512854.html - http://gbenet.com
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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