On 3/29/2012 9:45 AM, Roberts, David M [ITSYS] wrote:
> Thanks.

Sure thing.  Just remember that it was a Hawkeye who had to come to
y'all's rescue.  ;)

(For the non-Iowans: I'm a graduate of the University of Iowa, whereas
Mr. Roberts is an employee of Iowa State University.  Describing the two
institutions as having a good-natured rivalry is probably understating

> I also had to set the trust level on all the public keys in our
> key-ring, version 1.2.6 apparently didn't care if the trust level
> wasn't set.

You can add "trust-model always" to the end of your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
file and avoid this step.

> Now the scripts are working on the new system.


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