On 01/31/2012 11:23 AM, Steve wrote: > Sometimes if the right parties decide to no longer support an old > standard the software that does not support the new (better) > standard will die or get improved...
This works if and only if the "right parties" are a large enough market to push implementations around like that. Enigmail isn't. Assume we have 50,000 installations. (This sounds like a lot, but it's a pale shadow compared to GnuPG installations.) Of those, maybe 5,000 are serious users and the rest are casual ones, people who saw it on Mozdev and got intrigued and installed it and never really did anything with it. Those 5,000 users don't represent a single bloc, though: they're spread out through a whole lot of different communities, where they represent extremely small minorities within those communities. As a for-instance, on my old high school class's mailing list I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's even heard of Enigmail. If I were to tell the list maintainers, "you need to upgrade your version of Mailman, it's breaking my PGP/MIME signatures," the response I'd get would probably be, "what's PGP/MIME, and why is it important, and why do all your messages have those weird attachment things on them, anyway?" > You at least know that the person with that key is the author. That > is some information. No, you don't. A few years ago on PGP-Basics one user threw a screaming fit over how many users were not signing our posts to the list. He insisted that signatures were meaningful, that they proved the person with that certificate is the author, and so on. John Clizbe, John Moore and I conducted a little experiment. We created a single certificate. All three of us used the exact same certificate to sign our posts to PGP-Basics. The person who was most up in arms about our lack of signing was placated, and thanked us for seeing the light. It was another few months before anyone realized we were all using the same certificate. Honestly, up until that point I thought that maybe there was some utility to mailing list signatures. Maybe. That experiment changed my mind: I now see no utility to them for the vast majority of uses. _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users