On 14/01/12 18:39, gn...@lists.grepular.com wrote:

> Is there a simple howto for getting ssh authentication working with
> GnuPG v2? I've used gpgkey2ssh to get the public key and added it to
> authorized_keys, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do on the ssh
> client end? gpg-agent is running with --enable-ssh-support

Figured out my problem. SSH_AUTH_KEY environment variable was being
overwritten. On Ubuntu I went to:

System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications

Found "SSH Key Agent" which runs the command
"/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh" and then
disabled it. Logged out and back in again, and SSH_AUTH_KEY was set
correctly, and "ssh-add -L" started to show my authentication key on the
smartcard. ssh works fine now.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com/     http://cardwellit.com/
OpenPGP Key    35BC AF1D 3AA2 1F84 3DC3  B0CF 70A5 F512 0018 461F
XMPP OTR Key   8924 B06A 7917 AAF3 DBB1  BF1B 295C 3C78 3EF1 46B4

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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