On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 03:07:59PM +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 18:47, li...@chrispoole.com said:
> > Is there a better way to get rid of these "errors"?
> Yes, use gpg2.  Using gpg and gpg-agent is just a kludge.  gpg2 requires
> gpg-agent and thus we don't need those messages there anymore.

I'm glad this was posted recently, because I'm just not getting bothered by
them. I'm using Mutt for my mail, hooked into gpg2 and the gpg-agent. THe
agent is running, and the pinentry comes up asking for my passphrase,
however, I still see tho following:

    % gpg2 -qd file.gpg

    You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for
    user: "Aaron Toponce <aaron.topo...@gmail.com>"
    1792-bit ELG key, ID E7D41E4B, created 2004-09-18 (main key ID

The problem with Mutt, is the fact that when changing folders or accounts,
it brefly flashes what is on the terminal "behind" Mutt, and that message
appears a lot, seeing as though I'm storing my IMAP and SMTP passwords in
an encrypted file, and having Mutt use gpg2 to decrypt them.

How can I completely suppress that message? It doesn't appear to be writing
to STDOUT (fd 1) or STDERR (fd 2). I guess I should run strace(1) on it,
and see what I get. Thought I'd hit the list anyway, for archiving, in case
a solution is found, and someone else is searching.

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