On Fri,  6 Jan 2012 11:25, drfar...@acm.org said:

> By quotes, you mean so bash will pass it as one argv?  This is


> If that works, it'd be great to avoid any extra options.  I also agree
> that the colon notation is pretty ugly.

Just commited the change to master:

  $ gpg2 -k '  8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336  86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367   ' 
  pub   2048D/1E42B367 2007-12-31 [expires: 2018-12-31]
  uid                  Werner Koch <w...@gnupg.org>
  uid                  Werner Koch <w...@g10code.com>
  sub   1024D/77F95F95 2011-11-02
  sub   2048R/C193565B 2011-11-07 [expires: 2013-12-31]
Note that leading and trailing spaces are allowed but the double space
in the middle of the fingerprint is required:

  $ gpg2 -k '  8061 5870 F5BA D690 3336 86D0 F2AD 85AC 1E42 B367   ' 
  gpg: error reading key: No public key



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