I have some problems with my smartcard :
I use Debian testing with gnupg2 2.0.18, i have a BCM5880 smart card
reader and a zeitcontrol openpgp card.
I read that now gnupg can use 4096bit keys with those smartcard but :
when i load a 4096 bits key in the card i can sign but i'm unable to
when i generate on card keys, i'm unable to complete the generation with
general error...

Here the log file for generation of onkeys card :
scdaemon[2840]: please wait while key is being generated ...
scdaemon[2840]: pcsc_transmit failed: not transacted (0x80100016)
scdaemon[2840]: apdu_send_simple(0) failed: general error
scdaemon[2840]: generating key failed
gpg: key generation failed: Card error
Key generation failed: Card error

Anyone have idea ?

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Ceci est une partie de message numériquement signée

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